Aryapal Meditation Monastery
Aryapal Meditation Monastery: The Aryapal Meditation Monastery was established in the beautiful granite rocky mountain area of Terelj National Park in the late 19th century. You can easily reach Terelj National Park with a 1-2 hour drive east of Ulaanbaatar city. You can visit this monastery at an end of a valley with the view […]
Amarbayasgalant Monastery
Amarbayasgalant Monastery: Amarbayasgalant monastery is one of the most beautiful monasteries of Mongolia. The name Amarbayasgalant means “Tranquil Felicity”. In fact “Amar” – means tranquil, and “Bayasgalant” means Felicity. In 1727, the Manchurian emperor dedicated Amarbayasgalant Monastery to the 1st head lama of Mongolian Buddhism, Zanabazar. The first Bogd Zanabazar was from a direct lineage of golden […]
Altai Town
Altai Town: Altai town is located in Bayan-Ulgii province, in the west of Mongolia. After reaching the provincial capital of the province, Ulgii, you can reach this small town heading 110k south by local car or with your Tour Operator. As one of the simple, smaller towns of Mongolia, this “Sum” has a population of […]
Aglag Buteel Monastery Complex
Aglag Buteel Monastery Complex: Lama Purevdorj, one of the “creation” lama’s, initiated and founded the Aglag Buteel Monastery Complex in Mongolia in the middle of the 2010s. This complex is located 100km north of Ulaanbaatar city in a peaceful pine-wood mountain. This destination consists of several unique places you can visit within walking/hiking distance from […]
Altai Tavan Bogd National Park
Altai Tavan Bogd National Park: Altai Tavan Bogd National Park is one of the must-see destinations for when you visit Mongolia. It is also known as the Five Saints, referring to the five peaks of the Altai Mountains in its territory. Namely Kuiten Uul, the highest of Mongolia’s mountain peaks at 4,374 meters, Nairamdal, Ulgii, […]
Western Mongolia
Western Mongolia: The terrain of Western Mongolia consists of the Altai Mountain range and parts of the Khangai Mountain Range. The Great Lakes Depression is located between these ranges. From Nairanmdal (Huiten) Peak, with an elevation of 4,374 metres (14,350 feet), near the point where the borders of Russia, Mongolia, and China meet, the Mongolian […]
Southern Mongolia
Southern Mongolia: This terrain of the Southern parts of Mongolia consists of Gobi Altai Mountain and Gobi Dessert. The Gobi Desert is massive, measuring over 1,600 km (1,000 mi) from southwest to northeast and 800 km (500 mi) from north to south from the Tibetan plateau to the Gobi Altai Mountain range.The Gurvan Saikhan or […]
Northern Mongolia
Northern Mongolia: Geographically, the terrain of the Northern parts of Mongolia mainly consists of tectonically formed mountain chains. The entire region is prone to earthquakes. However, their effects are minimal from the low population density. From the mountain chains in North Mongolia, the Khoridol Saridag mountain chain is located in the high northern corner of […]
Central Mongolia
New Jersey is a state located on the West Coast of the United States.