Special Reindeer Tour 2024
Special Reindeer Tour 2024
We are delighted to extend a special invitation to join us on our upcoming Reindeer Tour, an extraordinary journey into the heart of Mongolia’s wilderness.
Reindeer Festival opening
The Reindeer Festival, an enchanting event organized by Nomadic Trails, dedicated to celebrating the rich heritage of local reindeer herders while fostering sustainable tourism opportunities
Travellers with Dukha Mongolian reindeer herders
How to visit the Mongolian Reindeer Herders/ Tsaatan or Dukha tribe
In this article, we will discuss who are the Dukha Reindeer Herders in Mongolia and what is the best way to visit them.
Mongolian Horse archer1
The Horse Archery Competition in Mongolia
Mongolian steppes, bow in hand, arrows flying true, then saddle up—we’re about to explore the thrilling world of Horse Archery in Mongolia.
Golden Eagle Hunters
Mongolian Falconry – The Art of Hunting with Golden Eagles
Like traditional practices elsewhere in the world, the Art of hunting with eagles is on the verge of extinction, but in Kazakh culture, in Mongolia,
Reindeer girls in their costumes for the Festival
Reindeer Festival Mongolia 2019
Find out more about the Reindeer Festival of 2019 in the Northernmost town of Mongolia. Video montage and pictures directly from the Festival.
Mongolia Eagle Festival - The Eagle Hunters
Incredible Journey to Mongolia Eagle Festival
A travel blog about an amazing journey to Mongolia Eagle Festival. The skill of the eagle handlers was incredible, not just…
horse riding tour to dukha people - top 10 things to do in mongolia
Horseback riding tips
Horse riding and packing tips from a travelers perspective. Read about our traveler’s experence with Nomadic Trails.
Tournament participants at flag Naadam Festival
Naadam Festival Mongolia
For detailed information about the Naadam Festival, when it’s celebrated, and whether to participate in a local or main festival.
The Best Reindeer Herder photos
Best Reindeer Herder photos uploaded and shared on social media. View count data was collected from Nomadic Trails official Facebook.
Sandra Henri Photography with local reindeer boy
Mongolia in my Camera – An inspiring travel blog about Dukha people in Mongolia
A travel blog about Dukha people in Mongolia. Experience with a local tour agency and operator from a photographer’s perspective.
eagle photography tour
Top 5 Photography Tours Mongolia
Discover the best photographic opportunities and destinations of Mongolia with these Top 5 Photography Tours by Nomadic Trails.
Golden eagle Festival parade
Golden Eagle Festival Mongolia 2024 – What you need to know
Golden Eagle Festival: A Must-Read Guide for Anyone Planning to Attend”
Horse sledding at Khuvsgul lake
Top 10 things to do in Mongolia
A list of the top 10 things to do in Mongolia with reasons and their pictures by Nomadic Trails Mongolia.
Mini van on ice during Nomadic Trails winter tour
Lonely Planet Winter on the Steppe
Section of an article Lonely Planet “Winter on the steppe”. It makes a reference to Nomadic Trails and our specialization in winter tours.
Horse sledding at Khuvsgul lake
Ice festival Mongolia 2022-2023
Mongolia is quite well known for harsh, cold, and bitter winters, so many do not readily choose to travel during these times. But the abundance
mongolian shaman
Mongolian Shaman – An insightful blog about shamans
Insights about a Mongolian shaman directly from shamans in Mongolia. Memories of the best Tour Leaders of Nomadic Trails, Tulga.
Mongolian Gobi desert facts
This article is filled with Mongolian gobi desert facts and all the must-see destinations of the Gobi with their pictures.
Foundation to help the Reindeer People
“The Reindeer Tribe of Taiga Foundation” is an NGO, initiative by Nomadic Trails, created to support and help the Reindeer Tsaatan community in Mongolia.
My kind of Unforgettable Mongolia – A spiritual journey
A travel experience written by our Spiritual traveler. Read about her experience with Nomadic Trails during our Spiritual Shaman Tour.



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