Ulaan Taiga National Park:

Reindeer elders with the tribe strongest during seasonal migrating to spring camp

After the long winter is over, Dukha Reindeer Tribe Spring Camp spring migration starts. The moving would be much slower with their pregnant female reindeer.

Reindeer tribes still settle in a sheltered forest area similar to their winter camp to get cover from severe winds and harsh weather.

Female reindeer starts giving birth between mid-April and mid-May and after all the baby reindeer or the calves are born, the east Taiga Reindeer Tribe will move to a different camp in May. But, this time they will not move too far a distance.

The Tavan Bogd National Park covers 6362 square km and is located in the western corner of the country. There are more than 5 glaciers in the area. However, they are shrinking bit by bit over the years.

Baby reindeer at Reindeer Tribe spring camp