My kind of Unforgettable Mongolia – A spiritual journey

This travel experience by Natalie Rani is filled with her spiritual journey to visit a Mongolian shaman in the summer of 2018. She traveled with a group of women and wished to share her experience with people looking for an unforgettable adventure.

This summer myself and some dear friends traveled with Nomadic Trails for two consecutive journeys through Mongolia. We didn’t know quite what to expect, but the love, kindness, patience, and caliber of care that Tulga, Naraa, and the Nomadic Trails family who supported our journeys was truly wonderful. 

We were quite dynamic and also very unique in our wants and needs, but this was met with great patience and support. The food was wonderful (thank you Pujee and Saruul)! And the crew and drivers worked tirelessly and often so jovially to support us and keep us safe.

I think what touched me most deeply is the connection they each have to their homeland and people- we often stopped along the way to make offerings which was so important to our group… and it was a part of their lives in a beautiful, integral way that taught us so much. They also took care to pick up trash along the way and at “Ovoo”s (sacred offering place) and shared great care and love to the land and animals.

And the sacred places they led us within their culture and nature were truly so special. I would love/be grateful for the honor to travel with them again and I couldn’t imagine being in Mongolia without them!

Thank you, Nomadic Trails, so much for accommodating us, guiding us, welcoming us, and caring for us so thoroughly and so lovingly. It was such an honor to be with you all. It is a precious gift I will carry in my heart forever.

Related Destinations

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Dukha Tribe Winter Camp
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Dukha Reindeer Tribe Spring Camp
Dukha Reindeer Herders Tour Autumn view with Tee-pee
Dukha Reindeer Tribe Autumn Camp
Murun town of Northern Mongolia
Murun town

Social Media



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Horseback riding tips
Sandra Henri Photography with local reindeer boy
Mongolia in my Camera – An inspiring travel blog about Dukha people in Mongolia


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